*DGC Credits only.

Doctor in the House

TV Series 2007, OTHER

Three Takes - Season 2

TV Series 2007, Director

Diva on a Dime - Season 3

TV Series 2006, Director

Antique Style

TV Series 2005, OTHER

Diva on a Dime - Season 2

TV Series 2005, OTHER

Diva on a Dime

TV Series 2004, OTHER

Feast of All Saints

Mini-Series 2000, Production Manager

Wishing Tree, The

TV Movie 1999, Assistant Production Manager

Antique Hunter I, II, III

TV Series 0, OTHER

CG Kids I, II, III, IV, V, VI

TV Series 0, OTHER

Who Killed Atlanta's Children?

TV Movie 0, Production Manager

Noddy II

TV Series 0, Production Manager



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