


5 Things to Know About DGC BC Availability Lists

Here is everything Members need to know about the DGC BC Availability Lists.

1. There are three types of lists: the Daily Availability List, Weekly Availability Lists, and Internal Avails Lists

The Daily Availability List is for day-call PA positions only. To list, Members must call the office line between 5:30 pm and 8:30 am the night before they are available. This list is emailed daily Monday - Friday to the production offices (unless no one has called in, of course).  

The Weekly Availability Lists include the names and contact details of the Members who contacted the office throughout the week. These lists are emailed to the production offices and updated on the website each Monday (Full Member) and Friday (Associate Member) barring a stat holiday closure.

DGC BC Staff, to assist productions in finding crew, provides Internal Avails Lists for each job category we represent. These lists include Member names, contact details, and availability information. 

2. Internal Avails Lists are for hiring purposes only

They are sent with production startup paperwork, and when requested by hiring parties. They include all Good Standing DGC BC Members. Members cannot be removed from the Internal Avails List, but they can adjust their availability through the Member Section of the website. 

3. The DGC BC has three specialized Internal Avails Lists for Associate Member classifications: OPA, TAD, and TAL

To further assist productions finding crew, the DGC BC created these three specialized Internal Avails Lists. All Associate Members, unless they have requested otherwise, are automatically on the OPA, TAD, and TAL lists. Associate Members can opt-out of the OPA, TAD, or TAL lists if they do not wish to work in those positions by emailing 

4. Being on an Internal Avails List is not the same as being on the Weekly Availability List

The Weekly Availability List is a resource Members can use to find work and helps save hiring parties time searching through a larger list. This is the list that people need to review to submit a permit request. You can find the Weekly Availability Listing Policies here.

5. You might need to hit refresh before you see the newly updated Weekly Availability Lists on the website!

It's not uncommon on Monday or Friday afternoon for the office to be contacted because last week's list is still on the website.

The situation is usually resolved promptly by refreshing the page. What can happen, especially on mobile phones, is that your browser thinks it's going to the same site it's already been to and tries to save some time by displaying what was there before.

The Associate Members' list comes out mid-morning on Fridays; the Full Members' list goes public on Mondays. Keep this in mind when doing your due diligence for permit requests and don't forget to hit refresh!


This was originally published in the November 6, 2020, Ebulletin.