Alexis Hinde


Alexis Hinde

Alexis Hinde is an Assistant Business Agent and Field Rep with the Directors Guild of Canada, British Columbia. She publishes a column entitled Debunking Collective Agreement Myths with Alexis Hinde for the DGC BC's Newsletter to Members and a column in LOGLINE for DGC BC Permittee Logbook Holders.

DGC BC Executive Board and Staff


DGC BC Executive Board and Staff

August 14, 2020 COVID Update

This was originally published in the August 14, 2020 Ebulletin to DGC BC Members

In the early days of the pandemic, as production came to a crashing halt, our goal as a Union was to provide useful, accurate, and clear information for our Members. As we've shifted back to an active production landscape, with 46 shows on our list this week, we're still actively monitoring federal and provincial updates and programs, but our focus has also shifted to supporting Members as they go back to work.

As we tackle questions about testing, COVID protocols, sick pay, and who is responsible for what in this new terrain, we've really appreciated the frank conversations and constructive criticisms we've heard from you. An engaged membership makes for a better organization for all.

We've worked with the other Unions and Guilds to negotiate a framework for testing in the workplace with our employers, and had signed Letters of Understanding (LOUs) with several studios and production companies that set limits on the frequency of COVID testing, as well as provided for paid sick leave for workers affected by COVID-19.

Given our increasing case numbers, we have revisited the LOUs with several of our employers and have come to an agreement on a more flexible approach to testing. This new approach preserves terms about paid sick leave but does not set proscribed limits on the testing of workers. Instead, it requires employers to consider applicable safety legislation in BC when developing and implementing their safety plans, which may include mandatory COVID-19 testing of workers.

If you are working on a production that requires COVID-19 testing as a condition of ongoing employment, please notify

Rest assured, your safety is at the centre of our actions as a Union. We are vigilant in our review of production safety plans, and we advocate for Members when you raise concerns about the safety of your workplace. It is your right to refuse unsafe work, and you can call us to confidentially discuss issues as they arise.

The dramatic shift we've seen this week in BC, with 85 new cases on Wednesday and 78 on Thursday, reminds us how fluid the pandemic is, and how quickly things can change. It remains crucial that we all do everything we can to avoid spreading this virus. Strictly adhere to all safety protocols in the workplace. When not at work, be mindful of your actions and their potential impacts on your loved ones, your community, and your ability to work. We all play a part in the health and success of our province and our industry.

 Wash hands. Stay 2m apart. Wear a mask. Avoid large social gatherings.

Be kind. Be calm. Be safe.

DGC BC Executive Board and Staff

 Additional Resources:

Questions? Concerns? You can find contact information for DGC BC Staff here.