Category: From the Desk of the Executive Director

March 6, 2022: Executive Directors Report

Kendrie Upton
Kendrie Upton

In my report at the last AGM I spoke about the importance of the low fees that our Canadian Entertainment Industry Retirement Plan, or CEIRP, has secured as a result...


End of Year Message from DGC BC Executive Director - 2021

Kendrie Upton
Kendrie Upton

As 2021 draws to a close at what feels like a breakneck pace, I find myself reflecting back on the six years since I began in this role with the...


The Person You mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias by Author Dolly Chugh

Kendrie Upton
Kendrie Upton

This was originally posted in the October 15, 2021 edition of the Ebulletin:


National Truth and Reconciliation Day Message from Executive Director Kendrie Upton

Kendrie Upton
Kendrie Upton

As you know, September 30, is Canada’s first ever National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This is the first year that Canada will observe this incredibly poignant day of remembrance...


Finding Balance

Kendrie Upton
Kendrie Upton

I recently described the lifestyle of a typical DGC BC Member when starting a job as follows:Â They essentially take their personal life (family, finances, health, all of it), push...


2018 - A Year to Be Proud Of

Kendrie Upton
Kendrie Upton

As we prepare to celebrate the holidays and as 2018 winds to a close, I’d like to take a few moments of your time to insert a bit of gratitude...


National Day of Mourning - Saturday, April 28, 2018

Kendrie Upton
Kendrie Upton

National day of Mourning is a day set aside each year to remember those who have been killed, seriously injured or made ill as a result of their employment in Canada.


Listening Tour Update

Kendrie Upton
Kendrie Upton

As our national "Listening Tour" on Respectful Workplaces passes the halfway mark, I wanted to take this opportunity to provide an update to Members and - most especially - to those participating in our audit.



Kendrie Upton
Kendrie Upton

Whatever else may be said of 2017 it has been a year of big news. Of firsts.


Busy Times Can Lead to Burnout

Kendrie Upton
Kendrie Upton

Here we are in the fall of another super busy year and with it comes all the usual beginnings: a new school year for those of us with kids, a...