Annabelle Wilczur


Annabelle Wilczur

Annabelle Wilczur is an Assistant Business Agent with the Directors Guild of Canada, British Columbia. After 25 years on set as an AD, Annabelle has since worked for both the Quebec and BC District Councils of the DGC since 2018. She publishes the column The Green Scene for the DGC BC's Newsletter to Members and DGC BC's LOGLINE for DGC BC Permittee Logbook Holders.

Introducing The Green Scene with Annabelle Wilczur

We're excited to introduce a new addition to the Ebulletin and LOGLINE--The Green Scene with Annabelle Wilczur, DGC BC Assistant Business Agent.

Hi everyone! I’m the DGC BC representative on Creative BC's Reel Green committee and I’m looking forward to sharing Members’ sustainability initiatives and success stories here, through The Green Scene.

As we get into the colder months, there are many needy organizations that would welcome food donations. Minimize waste and help less fortunate people? It’s a win-win! Nobody ate tonight’s hot snack or pizza at 2am? Talk to your crafty and catering – you might be able to organize a food donation drop-off – it can be as simple as a phone call and a drop-off on someone’s way home.

Keep It Green Recycling have a handy list on their website with locations all around the Lower Mainland of shelters and safe-houses that accept food – many of them take any food, 24 hours-a-day – just call first. With winter temperatures settling in, there will be vulnerable people out there for whom free food will make a big difference. Check out the list here.

Helping to create a more circular economy can begin with small steps by anyone. For more ideas on ways that specific departments can begin to effect change, check out DGC National’s DGC Green site. Exciting things are also happening at Creative BC – unions, studios, suppliers and producers are coming together to make our industry more sustainable – check out the Reel Green website here for new industry initiatives, green vendors, events and courses you can take.

Tell me what your show is doing to be more sustainable! Do you have a green tip or success story you'd like us to share in a future Ebulletin? Send me an email at

Annabelle Wilczur
Assistant Business Agent