


Secure the Terms of Your Employment: Important Reminders Regarding Your Deal Memo!

If an issue were to arise between you and your Employer over the terms of your employment (job category, rate of pay, daily or weekly hire, work in a higher job category, etc.) a verbal agreement would not be enforceable by the DGC BC. 

The only way to ensure that your employment terms can be protected, and that both you and your Employer are clear what those terms are, is to fill out and sign a Deal Memo as soon as you begin work.

Often, Deal Memos we receive are incorrect or only partially complete. Please see below some helpful tips and reminders for issues that have come up in the past:

  • If you complete your Deal Memo electronically, remember you must include your job category, rate of pay, daily or weekly hire.
  • Fill out and sign a Deal Memo as soon as you begin work. Do not leave rates and wages blank and do not use abbreviations such as APDM or Scale. 
  • Not sure what your rate is? The Production List is hyperlinked with each production's rate sheet for your convenience!
  • If you are a weekly employee DO NOT put a daily rate on your Deal Memo. Make sure you're putting the weekly rate of pay! If you don't have a weekly Deal Memo and you are let go, you may not be entitled to seven days' notice or severance pay in lieu of notice. Daily employees are not entitled to either.
  • Also note: You are required to complete a Deal Memo for every show you work on and for every position you work under. If you are upgraded, complete a new Deal Memo.

Reminder: your Deal Memo is your contract with the Producer for DGC representation, and is one of the most important documents required to support you in the event of any workplace discrepancy or dispute.

By completing your paperwork thoroughly, you provide the DGC BC with the ability to review terms and conditions of your engagement if they are questioned.