Annabelle Wilczur


Annabelle Wilczur

Annabelle Wilczur is an Assistant Business Agent with the Directors Guild of Canada, British Columbia. After 25 years on set as an AD, Annabelle has since worked for both the Quebec and BC District Councils of the DGC since 2018. She publishes the column The Green Scene for the DGC BC's Newsletter to Members and DGC BC's LOGLINE for DGC BC Permittee Logbook Holders.

The Green Scene: Calculate Thy Carbon

Hey, do you know albert? albert with a small “a” is a UK-based organization supporting the global film and TV industry to not only reduce the environmental impacts of production but also to inspire content creation that supports the vision of a sustainable future. They’ve designed a carbon calculator made specifically for productions to measure their carbon footprint. You can only manage what you measure!

Our own Creative BC’s Reel Green has adapted the albert Carbon Calculator for BC productions and regularly offers a free 1hr online seminar on how to use it. Having consistent data and metrics from our industry helps organizations like Reel Green and albert understand priority areas for sustainable practices as well as helps productions understand and measure their carbon impact. In the UK the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 - and here in Canada the CBC - have made calculating carbon footprints mandatory for all their productions.

albert also offers 3 levels of certifications for productions to aim for and allows them to show off the accomplishment in their end credits with a branded logo. In the US, the Green Production Guide has a similar carbon calculator, called PEAR – adopted by the many major studios that have joined the Sustainable Production Alliance – Amazon, Disney, NBCUniversal, Netflix, Warner Bros. Discovery and more.

Learning how to use these tools can give you an employability edge, as well as help you inspire your crew to make positive changes that can even save money while helping to save our planet. Change so possible we can measure it!

For more ideas on ways to effect change, check out DGC National’s DGC Green site as well as Creative BC’s Reel Green website for new industry initiatives, green vendors, events and courses you can take.

Tell me what your show is doing to be more sustainable! Do you have a green tip or success story you'd like us to share in a future Ebulletin? Send me an email at

Annabelle Wilczur
Assistant Business Agent