Annabelle Wilczur


Annabelle Wilczur

Annabelle Wilczur is an Assistant Business Agent with the Directors Guild of Canada, British Columbia. After 25 years on set as an AD, Annabelle has since worked for both the Quebec and BC District Councils of the DGC since 2018. She publishes the column The Green Scene for the DGC BC's Newsletter to Members and DGC BC's LOGLINE for DGC BC Permittee Logbook Holders.

The Green Scene: New Clean Power Kiosk on Pacific Blvd!

On Thursday, April 13, I had the pleasure of attending the City of Vancouver’s launch of their first Clean Energy Kiosk on Pacific Boulevard in the EasyPark lot #152 between Carrall and Quebec Streets – where up to 200 diesel generators per year get parked to support film crews.

The installation is part of the City’s plan, launched by a motion in 2019 by City Councillor Adriane Carr, to provide electrical power outlets across the city to reduce our industry’s dirty diesel emissions. The plan is to install another 12 to 16 kiosks by 2030, at various lots around town typically used by base camps, using funding generated by filming permits.

The launch was hosted by Geoff Teoli, Vancouver Film Commissioner (and former DGC BC Location Manager Member), and speakers included Deputy Mayor Lenny Zhou, Councillor Adriane Carr and Netflix’s Sustainability Officer, Emma Stewart. Local vendors were also on hand to showcase their green technology: Vancouver Mobile Dressing Rooms’ eco-certified trailers, Portable Electric’s Voltstack battery power units, lifts and lights from William F. White and MBS Equipment Co., and stainless steel coffee mugs by These are some of the positive steps needed to make motion picture production in BC more sustainable. Change is electrifying!

For ideas on ways to effect change, check out DGC National’s DGC Green site as well as Creative BC’s Reel Green website for new industry initiatives, green vendors, events and courses you can take.

Tell me what your show is doing to be more sustainable! Do you have a green tip or success story you'd like us to share in a future Ebulletin? Send me an email at

Annabelle Wilczur
DGC BC Assistant Business Agent