Annabelle Wilczur


Annabelle Wilczur

Annabelle Wilczur is an Assistant Business Agent with the Directors Guild of Canada, British Columbia. After 25 years on set as an AD, Annabelle has since worked for both the Quebec and BC District Councils of the DGC since 2018. She publishes the column The Green Scene for the DGC BC's Newsletter to Members and DGC BC's LOGLINE for DGC BC Permittee Logbook Holders.

The Green Scene: Spotlight on Our Sustainable Studios

Vancouver is getting a reputation as a sustainable film production centre – and while we definitely still have room for improvement, some of the great work being done here is by the various film studios around the Lower Mainland.

Consider Vancouver Film Studios at Grandview and Boundary: Their new stage E is LEED Gold certified and its roof is covered with solar panels. Stage F has a living green roof composed of different varieties of succulents, they also have 16 electric car charging stations, 2 beehives and a community garden!

Martini Studios in Langley also has a rooftop solar array and their buildings are heated by 100% Renewable Natural Gas – a biogas made from decomposing organic waste. They are prioritizing decarbonization, with plans to convert their own fleet of vehicles to electric, and currently offer 22 EV charging stations.

Bridge Studios’ newest complex on Griffiths Drive in Burnaby has a commitment to be 100% fossil-fuel free. They have plans to install over 30 EV chargers and will have electric forklifts, lifts and battery-operated golf carts. Any waste not diverted by their extensive recycling centre will be shipped to Burnaby’s Covanta waste-to-energy facility, which incinerates garbage to generate steam for electricity generation.

We all have a part to play in reducing emissions as much as we can, if we hope to reach the targets of the Paris Agreement. It’s great to see our industry stepping up. Change is under the spotlight!

For more ideas on ways to effect change, check out DGC National’s DGC Green site as well as Creative BC’s Reel Green website for new industry initiatives, green vendors, events and courses you can take.

Tell me what your show is doing to be more sustainable! Do you have a green tip or success story you'd like us to share in a future Ebulletin? Send me an email at

Annabelle Wilczur
Assistant Business Agent