August 30th, 2018 


DGC Celebrates Reversal on Group License Renewals

Toronto – The Directors Guild of Canada hailed the CRTC’s new Group License Renewal rulings, restoring requirements for broadcasters to invest in ‘Programming of National Interest’ (PNI).

“This decision signals a new commitment to Canadian culture and a thriving film & television industry. The CRTC, including several new commissioners, stepped in to stop Canadian broadcasters from axing nearly $200 million a year of the highest quality original programming made in Canada,” said DGC President Tim Southam. “I want to thank the government for sending these rulings back for reconsideration a year ago and congratulate the Commission on having the wisdom and backbone to do the right thing.”

Today’s CRTC rulings also restored requirements for broadcasters to invest in music programming in English and French.

“MuchFACT, Bravo!FACT and vidéoclip financing helped give so many of us our start in this business, including many of our most internationally acclaimed filmmakers,” added DGC National Directors Division Chair Warren P. Sonoda. “At a time when we’re looking to tell stories from more diverse voices, we have got to support that emerging talent.”


For More Information Contact:

Ian Gillespie, Director of Communications


The Directors Guild of Canada (DGC) is a national labour organization that represents over 4,800 key creative and logistical personnel in the screen-based industry covering all areas of direction, design, production and editing. The DGC negotiates and administers collective agreements and lobbies extensively on issues of concern for Members including Canadian content conditions, CRTC regulations and ensuring that funding is maintained for Canadian film and television programming.