November 03, 2017

Directors Guild of Canada audit of anti-harassment policies and practices
On Saturday October 28th, following a growing number of public accounts of sexual harassment in the international screen-based production sector, the National Executive Board of the Directors Guild of Canada (“the Guild”) approved two motions aimed at bolstering both Guild and industry tools for combating all forms of harassment in the film & television industry.
These motions instructed the Guild to undertake the following on an expedited basis:
a) Proactively engage all industry stakeholders to advocate for a comprehensive campaign to promote safer workplaces, free of harassment in any form; and
b) Commission an independent audit ("Audit") of all existing anti-harassment policies and practices throughout the organization to determine their effectiveness.
The Guild is seeking a qualified individual or firm to carry out an independent audit of the Guild’s anti-harassment policies and practices, including a review of best practices in the film & television industry and beyond. The scope of the audit and subsequent recommendations will encompass the following:
- Internal policies and practices of the Guild including compliance with provincial laws, provisions of collective agreements and internal ethics procedures;
- Effectiveness and enforcement of anti-harassment measures both within the Guild and in the industry at large;
- Awareness of workplace harassment and stakeholder confidence in the resources and complaints process available to address incidents of harassment when they occur;
- Assessment and enhancement of mandatory and available training; and
- Improved monitoring and reporting.
The successful submission will include:
- Expert knowledge and experience in anti-harassment policy, training and complaints;
- An established track record of assisting leading organizations in shaping anti-harassment policies and practices;
- The ability to interview a diverse population of participating Guild members to gather firsthand accounts with respect to their experiences in the industry;
- The ability to ensure this work is carried out in all regions and in both official languages;
- A detailed understanding of anti-harassment legislation;
- Experience dealing with collective agreements and/or in unionised, multi-stakeholder work environment; and
- A brief proposal (1-2 pages) including timelines, fees and other resources necessary to carry out such an audit.
The following are assets, but not requirements for the successful submission:
- Experience in, or firsthand knowledge of, the film & television industry, labour organizations or the labour movement;
- A working knowledge of both official languages;
- Proven ability dealing with harassment issues in high-profile organizations or cases and/or the ability to communicate publicly on complex or controversial issues;
- General legal expertise; and
- Firsthand experience providing anti-harassment training.
The Guild will accept submissions until Friday November 10th, 2017.
Submissions may be sent electronically or by mail to:
Directors Guild of Canada c/o Anti Harassment Audit
111 Peter Street, Suit 600
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 2H1
The DGC is an equal opportunity employer that proactively seeks candidates with diverse backgrounds.
Action on harassment: Motion #1
The NEB will commission an independent audit ("Audit") of all existing anti-harassment policies and practices throughout the organization to determine their effectiveness. The research will also include a review of best practices and make recommendations for supporting DGC Members, including enhancing awareness, improved training, increased monitoring and reporting, and effective enforcement of anti-harassment measures. A report will be due at the February 2018 NEB meeting.
Motion by: Tim Southam
Seconded by: Grace Gilroy
Motion carried.
Action on Harassment: Motion #2
The NEB mandates the National office to proactively engage with industry stakeholders to advocate for a comprehensive campaign to promote safer workplaces, free of harassment in any form, through increased awareness, and more robust enforcement, monitoring and enforcement policies. An NEB teleconference will be scheduled prior to the February 2018 NEB meeting to further discuss the matter.
Motion by: Tim Southam
Seconded by: Wanda Chaffey
Motion carried.
The Directors Guild of Canada (DGC) is a national labour organization that represents over 5,000 key creative and logistical personnel in the screen-based industry covering all areas of direction, design, production and editing. The DGC negotiates and administers collective agreements and lobbies extensively on issues of concern for members including Canadian content conditions, CRTC regulations and ensuring that funding is maintained for Canadian screen-based programming.