Canadian Unions for Equality on Screen (CUES) has released a report by Dr. Amanda Coles on the gender inequalities that exist in Canada’s film and television industry.

In this report, entitled “What’s wrong with this picture? Directors and gender inequality in the Canadian screen-based production industry,” Dr. Coles looks to uncover the reasons behind this inequality. She interviews directors who work, live and witness this reality every day in Canada.

As part of the Directors Guild of Canada’s mandate to support equality and fairness in the film industry, the DGC has produced an executive summary and infographic of the CUES report.

“The budget-challenged Canadian screen sector will win not on generating look-alike productions, but on specificity of voice,” said Tim Southam, National President of the Directors Guild of Canada. “Anyone who believes that the director’s unique voice is a critical part of a production’s identity is bound to believe in opening our screens to Canada’s brilliant diversity of voices.”

To read the executive summary and report, click HERE.

To view the infographic, click the graphic below.

CUES Report teaser FB2









To read the full report on the RMIT University website, and for more information on the study, click HERE.

To read the full press release, click HERE