The head of Canada’s professional film and TV-directors’ guild says a recent decision by federal regulators undermines Canadian culture.

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regulates and licenses Canadian broadcasters and cable providers. Cable and satellite service providers set aside a small percentage of revenues which fund programs that finance home-grown, original Canadian productions. “Canadian” is defined by regulation, and reflects the extent Canadian directors, writers, actors and crew play in each production.

A late-August decision by the CRTC downgraded the number of “points” required for Canadian productions supported by these programs to be considered Canadian content, from 8 out of 10 to 6 out of 10. It is a change that defeats the whole point of the system.

Tim Southam, National President, DGC, calls this recent ruling a watering down of the role Canadians can play in shaping what Canadians watch, making it easier for film and TV producers to push aside Canadian writers, directors, performers and other skilled professionals on sets.  

To read the full press release, click HERE.