Guild urges broadcaster to keep funding for French-language film


Toronto – The Directors Guild of Canada is joining other guilds, unions and producers' organizations in pushing Canada’s largest broadcaster to protect the Harold Greenberg Fund and maintaining its investments in Canadian feature film.

“Over nearly 35 years, the Harold Greenberg Fund has become an indispensable source of investment in Canadian feature film,” said DGC National Executive Director Dave Forget. “Private sector investment is essential to the health of the domestic film business and we’re calling on Bell not to abandon its commitment to this vital sector.”

The Harold Greenberg Fund was established in 1986 under the name “The FUND” (Foundation to Underwrite New Drama) and renamed to honour its founder, Harold Greenberg, after his death in 1996. The organization’s work includes not only investment in feature-length film production, but short film production, the optioning of intellectual property and the critical early stages of script development.

Last week, Bell Media announced it would end French-language programs at the Harold Greenberg Fund and continue English-language programs for one year while seeking alternative private investment.

“This decision will be a serious blow to Canadian feature production as a whole, but it will be devastating for French-language film,” said Forget. “If Bell truly wants to be Canada’s leading content creation company, that has to mean investing in and serving francophone communities.”