Guild welcomes Pascale St-Onge, thanks outgoing Minister Pablo Rodriguez


Directors Guild of Canada President Warren P. Sonoda issued the following statement, congratulating the Honourable Pascale St-Onge on her new role as Minister of Canadian Heritage: 

“I want to congratulate Pascale St-Onge on her appointment to the role of Minister of Canadian Heritage. The Federal government’s stalwart support of our industry has been a key factor in navigating a critical period for the Canadian film & television sector. We look forward to a strong partnership with Minister St-Onge in sustaining the major achievements secured by the Online Streaming Act and pushing forward to face new challenges in support of Canadian creators. We are thrilled to have an ally of the creative sector at the helm of the Heritage Department who understands the issues facing creatives every day, having previously led the FNCC.

“On behalf of the DGC, I would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez for his resolute stewardship over the last two years. In leading the landmark overhaul of Canada’s Broadcasting Act, Minister Rodriguez has helped strengthen our creative ecosystem for decades to come. We have no doubt he will bring the same vision and dedication to his new role as Minister of Transport.”