July 15, 2021
DGC Launches Members Census

Project will allow voluntary self-identification based on a wide range of demographics
The Directors Guild of Canada has launched a new “DGC Census” signalling a next step in the Guild’s efforts towards making the Canadian film & television industry fairer and more inclusive.
The census will allow all DGC members to voluntarily self-identify according to a variety of demographic characteristics including region, age, cultural community, gender and gender identity, disability status and sexual orientation as well as factors such as family and marital status.
Partnering with leading research firm Nordicity for data collection, this information will allow the Guild to report to our members and the public on the state of representation in our industry and help guide the DGC’s efforts towards greater inclusion and more effective programs and benefits for our members.
“This is a big step forward for the Guild and a comprehensive assessment of representation in our industry,” said DGC President Warren P. Sonoda. “Accountability is key. We can’t know if our efforts are having the impact we all want without measuring what concrete progress we’re making towards a more inclusive industry. This data will allow us to do just that.”
R.T. Thorne, Chair of the DGC’s BIPOC Members Committee added: “This census will be invaluable in identifying the relevant outreach, training and programs needed to ensure our industry reflects both the communities our stories serve as well as the growing global demand for diverse content. We hope members from all walks of life will participate in this project that will benefit our membership as a whole.”