April 22, 2021

Directors Guild commits to reducing the ecological impact of productions
Toronto – DGC National has become the most recent signatory to the Creative Industries Pact for Sustainable Action, joining 88 organizations in a collective drive toward progress on climate change. The DGC’s commitment, coinciding with Earth Day, represents a pledge to work together with our members and other industry stakeholders to do more to reduce the carbon footprint of productions.
“We want to give a clear sign that reducing the environmental impact on set is part of the DGC mandate and mission, and this commitment should help to mobilize and empower all members across the country” said DGC National president Warren Sonoda. “To our members, to peer industry organizations, to the different levels of government, we want to say that the DGC is deeply committed to take action and bring lasting change on production sets.”
Since its creation last year, the DGC National Sustainable Climate Action Committee (“NSCAC”) collaborated with various caucuses within the DGC across the country to create a roadmap for the years to come, but production-related activities still represent an important source of carbon emissions.
“This is a common fight, a common goal, to reach for in the Canadian screen industry.” said Clara George, DGC member and chair of the NSCAC. “Signing the Pact is an important step towards measurable actions and signifies the urgency to develop sustainable practices on set. The tools already exist and can help generate efficiencies on set. We can all make a difference.”