Dear fellow members,

As industry stoppages in the U.S. continue to impact production in every region across Canada – as well as a great many individual DGC Members – your National Executive Board met last weekend to discuss how the Guild can help lessen the immediate financial burden on those who are struggling or have lost work.

At that meeting, the Executive approved a two-part plan for assistance, effective immediately.

First, for the duration of the current work stoppage in the United States, no DGC Member will be terminated for unpaid dues.

If you are still working, or are otherwise able to cover your annual dues, we ask that you to continue to make your payments as usual. If, however, you have suffered a financial loss due to current U.S. labour actions and are unable to pay at this time, DGC National is extending a grace period allowing you to defer dues payment – with all interest and penalties on unpaid dues waived from July 1st, 2023 forward. Simply put, you will not face termination of your membership because you have dues in arrears.

In addition, this grace period will be extended for at least 90 days after the industry stoppages in the U.S. have ended, giving you approximately 3 months to pay any dues you were unable to pay during this period of labour action and any other outstanding dues you may have. We understand that once the broader sector is able to move forward, it may still take time for production to shift into gear. We are committed to giving our membership time to catch up and recover once back to work. We understand your needs, or those of your family or loved ones, come first. Thanks to the sound financial position of the Guild, we are able to ensure that keeping current on your dues will not be an additional drag on your resources in this difficult time.

The second measure approved by the Executive is a new commitment of up to $100,000 for the AFC – Canada’s leading organization dedicated to providing urgent financial support to those working in the entertainment industry.

This contribution is over and above the Guild’s annual base contribution of $50,000 and will be targeted specifically to aid for DGC Members. This commitment extends up to four months, but will be re-evaluated should further resources prove to be needed. DGC Members in Good Standing needing financial assistance at this time should check the AFC's eligibility criteria and application process on the AFC’s website.

In addition to the AFC, many financial institutions also offer payment deferral options in the event of work stoppages arising from a labour action. If you think such a deferral may be in your best interest, you should contact your bank or credit union to inquire if any such program is available. 

For three and a half years, our membership – along with our industry and our community – has faced an unprecedented wave of challenges. In this time, we have served and supported one another. Your Guild and your Executive have also sought out the most effective means to soften the hardships these times have brought. And we will continue to do so. I know that you will all continue to look out for your fellow DGC Members. I thank you for your tenacity and your compassion during these times. 

In solidarity,

Warren P. Sonoda

DGC National President