Laurie McAllister has been elected to the Board of Societies’ Council for the Collective Management of Performers’ Rights (SCAPR). The international SCAPR general assembly took place in Toronto, Canada last week. It was hosted by the the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) and ACTRA Performers’ Rights Society (ACTRA PRS).

“Laurie’s already using her considerable talents and skills to ensure Canadian performers receive the compensation they deserve,” stated ACTRA National Executive Director Stephen Waddell. “We’re very pleased to see her take on this new role. At SCAPR, she can lend her expertise on behalf of performers all over the world, and advocate even more effectively for Canadian performers abroad.”

Laurie McAllister is the Director of Canada’s ACTRA PRS as well as ACTRA Recording Artists’ Collecting Society (RACS). These arms of ACTRA collect and disburse remuneration to performers and advocates on behalf of artists. 

To read the full press release, click HERE.