Telefilm Canada has just unveiled a new study entitled Understand and Engage with Audiences in partnership with Canada Media Fund, Creative BC, the Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC) and the the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC).

The report revealed two important types of Canadian viewers – “Curious” and “Belonging”  – as target audiences. These two groups together are said to make up 50% of Canadian viewers, and should be targeted by Canadian content producers who are looking to create popular and engaging content.

The study also found that 53% of Canadians watch TV shows at least once a day and 50% watch movies at least once a week, making film and TV a big part of Canadian leisure.

DGC  Members are encouraged to read the study which contains a lot of important information and statistics relevant to content creators and other members of the screen-based industry.

For more information, and to read the study, click HERE.