Photos are now online from the DGC Awards Week, including photos from Meet the Designers, Meet the Directors and the 2016 DGC Awards Gala.

The week of events started October 17 and included two panels, Meet the Designers and Meet the Directors, hosted at The Royal Cinema on College Street. Meet the Designers was moderated by DGC Director Jim Donovan and included discussions with DGC Awards-nominated production designers Ian Brock, Naz Goshtasbpour, Arv Greywal and Elisa Sauvé. Meet the Directors was moderated by DGC Director Michael Kennedy and featured nominated Directors Wiebke von Carolsfeld, Helen Shaver, Anne Wheeler and Charles Wilkinson.

The week culminated in the 2016 DGC Awards Ceremony held at The Carlu in Toronto. The event celebrated the best of Canadian film and television created by DGC Members this past year. 

To view photos of the events, click HERE

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