As you may already know, we’re coming up on the final push to pass the Online Streaming Act (C-11) – and we need every Guild member’s help to make it across the finish line. All it takes is 2 clicks to give this landmark Bill the final nudge it needs.

MPs are literally counting how many emails they receive about this Bill – for and against – to gauge public support, and that’s why we need to make sure your MP hears directly from you and other Guild members in your area by email, specifically.

The Online Streaming Act has passed the House of Commons, been amended in the Senate and is now on the cusp of becoming law, guaranteeing major new investments from global streaming giants in the original Canadian programming that our members make.

I want to thank each one of you, personally, for that because it’s you who made this happen: It’s signing petitions, writing letters, meeting with MPs and your support for the DGC’s 5-year campaign to modernize our Broadcasting Act that’s gotten us here – on the edge of making history. Now, we just need you to make your voices heard one last time. 

With help from ACTRA, we’re making available this tool allowing you to send a simple a pre-written message to your MP – just follow the link, type in your name and email, then hit send. Please send this message and then share the link on social media, by email, with colleagues and with friends and family who care about Canadian culture.

Opponents of the Online Streaming Act have claimed that parts of the Bill requiring digital platforms to promote our content are somehow censorship. But nothing could be further from the truth. Anyone who’s been online has seen promoted content on these platforms for years now. Making original Canadian programming better known, and giving our creatives the resources to tell our stories, is no assault on free speech. It is the foundation of Canadian culture and we need your help – right now – to safeguard that foundation, together, for decades to come.


Warren P. Sonoda

DGC National President