Toronto – “It is with great pleasure that I congratulate Dennis Heaton on his election as President of the Writers Guild of Canada.”

“I look forward to working with Dennis to represent our respective members – whether advocating to strengthen and modernize public policy supports for Canadian cultural industries in the digital era or assuring fairness and equity for our creators. Many of us who have worked with Dennis hold him in high regard as a writer and Executive Producer.  I know his long and illustrious career, including work from coast-to-coast and years serving on the WGC Council, will be a tremendous asset to him in this new position.”

“As DGC President, I would also like to extend my sincerest thanks to Jill Golick for her tireless work as an advocate for our sector. Even as Jill executes seamless handoff in leadership at the WGC, I’m know she will continue in her unflagging commitment to the health of our sector for years to come.”