HAVEN Helpline



Harassment, Anti-Racism and Violence Emergency Network Helpline

HAVEN Helpline is an incident reporting, counselling and support service. If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.

HAVEN Helpline is available to all members of DGC, ACTRA (excluding UBCP/ACTRA members) and Canadian Actors’ Equity Association, as well as permittee under a DGC deal memo contract, you have access to HAVEN, our incident reporting, counselling and support services.


Available 24/7, nation-wide, in French and English, call this tool free number to report or get immediate counselling about any workplace harassment, discrimination, racist, inappropriate or violent behavior.

HAVEN’s services include:

  • Incident reporting - If you want to submit an incident report, you’ll be asked to briefly describe the situation and context. With your consent, the union will receive a copy of this information, which may be submitted anonymously at your request.
  • Confidential counselling services - Immediate counselling is available or you can opt to make an appointment at a later date. In-person counselling can also be available.

HAVEN is operated by a third-party provider LifeWorks who adheres to stringent standards to ensure it respects the privacy of its clients, including the audited confidentiality and privacy requirements as established by the Council On Accreditation (COA).

No one will know you have accessed services unless you choose to tell them (within the limits of the law).

No identifying information will be shared with the DGC without your consent.

All staff handling incoming calls to HAVEN are specially trained with knowledge of our industry, trauma-informed and equipped to take harassment incident reports.

HAVEN is an important tool to insure a safe and respectful workplace for our members and now, anyone working under a DGC contract.

For any additional information, comments or feedback about HAVEN, please reach out to haven@dgc.ca.