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Short Film Fund

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The DGC Ontario Executive Board is thrilled to announce the return of the DGC Ontario Short Film Fund! The Short Film Fund is accepting applications from February 5, 2024, until March 22, 2024.

The top four proposals will receive a cash grant of $25,000 each. Along with the grant, each recipient will receive support along the way via a designated Fund Program Manager (DGC Ontario Director Member, Sasha Leigh Henry), in-kind support, info sessions, and mentorships/workshops where applicable. 

Please see below for eligibility requirements and materials required for submissions. We will be holding two information sessions over Zoom on February 7 and February 24 to answer any questions Members may have about the submission process.

Please click the links below to RSVP to either one of the info sessions. 

Wednesday, February 7, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST

Saturday, February 24, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST

Filmmaker Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicant must be a DGC Ontario Full Member in Good Standing

      • Submissions must be made by the Director of the proposed project. One Director per application; one application per Director. However, the Director of the proposed project does not need to be in the Director Caucus. Any DGC Ontario Full Member from any Caucus can apply. 

      • In the event your project is green-lit and you are not a Director Member, you must attach a DGC Director Member mentor to the project by the beginning of pre-production (Fund Program Manager to assist if needed)

  • Applicant must have creative control and final cut over the proposed project (at least 51% to maintain majority control) 

  • Applicant must not have previously received a DGC Ontario Short Film grant (previously known as the DGC Ontario Short Filmmaker Award or Emerging Short Filmmaker Award)

  • Applicant must not currently sit on the DGC Ontario Executive Board, or be employed as staff by DGC Ontario, or sit on the Short Film Fund Jury

  • Applicant must agree to grant DGC Ontario the right to stream, screen, and exploit the completed film as well as any behind-the-scenes and marketing material (non-commercial use/promotional purposes only)

Project Eligibility Requirements:

  • Film must be a maximum of 12 minutes long, or less, including credits

  • Projects in English, Indigenous, or French languages are accepted

  • Film must be a Live-Action narrative or Documentary short film. Animated or lifestyle projects are not eligible

  • Film must be fully completed by the delivery deadline date (November 30, 2024)

  • Film must be mastered and delivered in HD

  • Applicant must provide all deliverables (actualized budget, receipts, insurance, etc.)

  • Applicant must provide DGC Ontario with a copy of the completed film as a hi-res digital file on a drive for archival purposes

  • Production must occur in Ontario

  • In the spirit of the DGC Ontario Short Film Fund, the filmmaking team must make their best effort to crew their production with DGC Ontario Members (Full or Associate and GAP) in all categories that DGC Ontario represents, as well as give opportunities to DGC Ontario Members out of category (i.e.: Composer, VFX, etc.). We would like to see as many DGC Ontario Members participating on the films as possible. This also includes DGC Mentors for up-and-coming filmmakers in all disciplines (i.e.: if the 1st AD has never been a 1st before, a DGC 1st AD Mentor would be beneficial).

Submission Requirements:

  • A completed application questionnaire form; 

  • A signed agreement from the Writer(s) of the script (including if the submitting DGC Member is also the Writer) acknowledging their approval to have their work submitted for consideration, production and exploitation should the project be selected;

  • Signed DGC Ontario Short Film Fund Declaration Form;

  • Copies of Director, Writer and Producer resumes & filmographies for staff verification (these materials will not be sent to jury members);

  • Please include PDF submission copies with all creative names removed for blind jury adjudication:

      • A copy of your unproduced, original Live-Action narrative script or Documentary story outline with a maximum length of 12 pages (animated or lifestyle shorts are not eligible) with all creative names removed.

      • A copy of your one-page synopsis with all creative names removed.

      • A copy of your Director Vision (max 3 pages) with all creative names removed.This is a document that describes how the filmmaker is going to execute their project, what the tone/look is, what drew them to the story and why they want to make the film. Filmmakers can also use this document to discuss how they plan to accomplish their projects should the screenplay have unique elements that need explanation or there are production or post-production elements that might need further elaboration such as special in-kind sponsorships, casting, visual effects, equipment, editing, music or location notes

      • Proposed prep/production/post schedule with all creative names removed. This is a short document outlining the dates and action items the team is expecting to accomplish and when. This includes any prep and production calendars, shooting schedules, and post timelines you might have.

      • A copy of your financial plan, if budget is to exceed the $25k grant amount, with all creative names removed. This document serves as a brief, detailed description of how the team will raise the funds necessary to complete the project.

      • Proposed production budget with all creative names removed.

        • Please note: Budgets do not need every line item filled in unless it pertains to your project (ie: if you have no animals in your film, you can leave the "[40.00] Animals" line item blank). Production and General Liability Insurance is MANDATORY for all productions. We’ve included an approximation amount that should be budgeted (which may go up or down depending on the nature of your production) as a guideline and reminder that you need it. This is an approximation only and winning teams must do their own due diligence to obtain their own Production and General Liability Insurance. Fund Program Manager can help assist once the teams are awarded. Should teams need to create new line items, they can if needed. Also, if further explanation is needed, teams can make clarifications in the line item "Notes" column (ie: [39.00] Special Effects (Physical) Note: "We will need 2 Rain Towers", or  the general section at the bottom under "Notes/Assumptions". 

      • Community Engagement Plan:

        • This is a document that outlines how the production plans to engage meaningfully with communities in the making of their film. Appropriate engagement will vary widely depending on the content of the film, the knowledge of the team, and the territories, communities, and cultures being represented on-screen, as well as locations where the film is shooting. All phases of a project present an opportunity for engagement. Applicants may outline plans involving, but not limited to:  

        • Research practices during development;  

        • How sensitive content is treated in the script and how it will be handled while filming;  

        • Engaging appropriately with local communities, organizations, and/or businesses;  

        • Creating opportunity for shadowing and trainees;

        • Engaging appropriate and specialized expertise, including on-set counsellors, crew-hiring organizations, cultural knowledge keepers, etc.;

        • Again, we encourage inclusion and diversity in casting and crewing. We also want best efforts to use DGC Ontario Members in various creative roles and crew positions. Please feel free to include a description of how your projects reflect this goal (without using names – i.e.: “We have 8 DGC Ontario Members already lined up for these crew positions... etc.).

      • Marketing and Distribution Plan:

        • This is a document that outlines the team’s plan for marketing and distribution. By no means are teams expected to be experts in this area and the Fund Program Manager will provide support. If you don’t yet have a plan or are unsure about some elements of the plan you have in mind, then please note any holes, or challenges you may need support within this area.

      • Sustainability Plan: 

        • This is a document that outlines the team’s plan for keeping their production as green as possible. Teams are not expected to be experts in this area, but we encourage all productions to make their best efforts to be environmentally friendly and integrate as many green practices as possible. Please visit for more information.  

Adjudication Procedures:

Upon receiving all submissions, DGC Ontario will appoint a varied DGC Ontario Member and third-party Short Film Fund jury to review only the script, one-page synopsis, Director’s Vision Statement, budget and financial plan and prep/production/post schedule (with all creative names removed). The Fund program and the jury will be administered by the Fund Program Manager. The Fund Program Manager has no vote and will help run the initiative, set up meetings, distribute submissions to jurors, be available to clarify project guidelines, and answer questions from submitting teams, etc.

Fund recipients will be adjudicated via a partial blind jury process. Initial submissions must be entirely anonymous. The jury will make top 8 selections from anonymous application submissions received, at which point the top 8 candidates will be invited to speak with the jury and pitch their project in person. Zoom accommodations can be made where necessary. Each team will have 20 minutes to pitch and field questions from the jury.

The jury will be selected based on their ability to accurately and fairly adjudicate the submissions based on their past experience in the industry. They will be comprised of a Member from every Caucus of the DGC and may include others with key expertise like Producers. The jury is not allowed to participate in the Fund program or be attached to any project submitted. The spirit and direction for this impartial blind jury process is to avoid any possible conflicts of interest and/or favouritism.

All submissions will be administered by the Fund Program Manager and staff to verify if packages are complete and meet all criteria. No one else will have access to this intake portal and only blind jury materials will be distributed to jury members. Once Fund recipients are confirmed, their teams will participate in a one-on-one meeting with the Fund Program Manager to sign the DGC Ontario Short Film Fund contract, discuss deliverables, in-kind sponsorships, payment drawdowns, insurance, DGC Member involvement and crewing, DGC Mentors and prep, production and post concerns.

How to Submit

Please send complete applications to before end of day, Friday, March 22, 2024.


If you have any questions during the application process, please email

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