Today, ACTRA Toronto's Diversity Committee launched their multi-tiered awareness campaign entitled #SharetheScreen. The initiative is a call-to-action and industry-wide rally for a more diverse and inclusive media industry. Used as part of the launch was a video featuring performers from diverse backgrounds discussing the current state of the industry, speaking to issues of diversity, gender and more.

The script was written by Joella Crichton and Connie Wang. The video was produced by Diversity Committee Co-Chairs, Sedina Fiati and Farah Merani, with Gugun Deep Singh and Safiya Ricketts. The video was filmed by Tricia Hagoriles (Mad Max: Fury Road, Darknet) and features the music of Jeff Toyne (Rogue, You Me Her). Other organizations that supported the making of the video include: Actra Fraternal Benefit Society, Alter Ego Post Production, Neal Brothers Food Inc., ACTRA Toronto’s Executive and more than 50 Diversity Committee members who volunteered their time and talents.

The industry-wide initative will kick off at an industry reception on September 8, 2016, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., hosted by ad agency DensuBos near the TIFF Bell Lightbox. The reception will honour the achievements and commitment to diversity of director Dawn Wilkinson (Degrassi) and Sinking Ship Entertainment (producers of the Emmy Award-winning Odd Squad) with the Sandi Ross #SharetheScreen Award. The #SharetheScreen video will also be shown at the event.

The DGC congratulates ACTRA Toronto on this initiative and supports their pursuit of greater diversity in Canadian media. 

To watch the #SharetheScreen video, click HERE.

For more information on the initative click HERE