Born on October 22, 1934, John Anthony Board passed away on December 2, 2018. John was a pillar of the Canadian film industry, and as an Assistant Director, Producer, and mentor, he collaborated with the best and brightest filmmakers in Canada. His unique perspective, incisive intellect and boundless energy helped shape not only the projects he worked on, but how they were made.

John joined the Directors Guild of Canada in 1966, one of the first Assistant Directors to come into the then fledgling organization. He subsequently served as Chair of the DGC in Ontario in 1987-88, and as the Assistant Director Caucus Rep on the Executive Board from 1995 to 1997. John Board was a stalwart Member of DGC Ontario, and will be missed by the many Members whose lives he touched.

“John was a committed and dedicated Guild member who influenced everyone who worked with or interacted with him. I worked only a couple of shows with John years ago and sat with him on our DGCO Board shortly after. He remained a dear friend until the last time I visited with him just last week. John is to be celebrated as the distinct filmmaker and friend who influenced our burgeoning industry across the country.” -- Alan Goluboff, Chair of DGC Ontario

John is survived by his brothers Stefan and Henry, his sons Jason and Simon, and grandchildren Rachel, Joanna, Alex, Sebastian and Sascha.

 A memorial service will be held at 10:00 am on Sunday, December 9th at Mount Pleasant Funeral Centre in Toronto. Details can be found here.