The 2019 DGC Ontario Annual General Meeting has reached its conclusion and we are pleased to welcome the following election winners to the DGC Ontario Executive Board:

  •         Tamara Deverell has been elected as First Vice-Chair
  •         Lianne Seal has been elected as Secretary-Treasurer
  •         David Hackl has been elected as Director Caucus Rep
  •         Doug Caron has been re-elected as Editing Caucus Rep
  •        Anna Beben has been re-elected as Production Caucus Rep
  •        Gerry Alfonso has been elected as Accounting Caucus Rep
New Board
L to R: David Hackl, Anna Beben, Doug Caron, Penny Charter, Lianne Seal, Annie Bradley, John Rakich, Alan Goluboff, Joanne Barrington, Tamara Deverell, Gerry Alfonso.

170 Members attended the AGM, with 440 votes in the room.

 On behalf of the Executive and the Membership, DGC Ontario would like to thank T.W. Peacocke, Andrew G. Munro, Warren P. Sonoda and Marr Morgan for their time and service on the Executive Board.

 We would also like to thank Avrel Fisher for her dedicated work as Nominations Chair in putting together an outstanding 2019 Nomination Slate.