The Executive Board is excited to announce a DGC Rep Certification program for DGC Members who are elected by their colleagues to take on the role of DGC Rep on Ontario’s DGC-signatory productions. A DGC Rep should be an experienced Member who has a solid understanding of Standard Agreement provisions and who is free to engage with DGC Ontario staff as required for points of clarification and interpretation of any contractual issues that might arise.

Effective January 1, 2022, Members who have taken the DGC Orientation, Leadership in the Workplace, Standard Agreement 101, and Mental Health First Aid courses will earn the qualification of Certified DGC Rep. Please be aware that “The Myth of Cinematic Immunity” is being added to the list of mandatory courses for this program, and anyone who has already achieved certification will be given until the end of 2022 to take this course to maintain certification.

In return, if you are elected as DGC Rep on a signatory production, you are eligible to receive a payment of $50/week for each week of principal photography, payable at the end of production. Please note that you must still be selected by your DGC team/colleagues to hold this position and that achieving this certification does not give you an automatic right to the position.

This program is an excellent step toward establishing a group of DGC Reps who are educated on effective team leadership, capable of navigating contractual and workplace issues with staff assistance as required, and who are well-informed about how our organization functions.

For more information on enrolment in the DGC Rep Certification Program, please contact Cristy Becker at