DGC Ontario congratulates and is incredibly proud of all the Members who contributed to the Academy Award for Best Picture won by SPOTLIGHT, shot in Toronto and Boston in 2014.  The omission of this item in this week’s newsletter was accidental, and we apologize to all Members for the oversight.


Executive Producer             Michael Bederman
Unit Production Manager     D.J. Carson

ASSISTANT DIRECTORS:                                                      ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT:
1st AD                     Walter Gasparovic                                    1ST Asst. General  Kyla McFeat
2nd AD                    Penny Charter                                          1st Asst. Payroll     Katharine Duke
3rd AD (Set)            Gerrod Shully                                           2nd Asst.  Darren Wilson
3rd AD (Trailers)      Missy Dingman                                        Trainee  Lois Liu
Set P.A.                   Adam Benish
Set P.A.                   Ben Soldinger

ART DEPARTMENT:                                                            LOCATIONS DEPARTMENT:
Art Director                            Michaela Cheyne                   Location Manager               Fred Kamping
Set Designer                          William Cheng                       Asst. Location Mgr.              Mark McFadden
Set Designer                         John MacNeil                          Asst. Location Mgr.              Jeffery Pong
Graphic Designer                  John Moran                            Locations P.A.                     Marcelo Penarrieta
Graphic Designer                  Victor Mare                             Locations P.A.                      Kris Gordon
Art Dept. Co-ordinator           Dusty Reeves
Trainee Asst. Art Director      Katie Brock
Art Dept. P.A.                         Grace Ng

ADDITIONAL AD CREW:  Taylor Flook, Jennifer Haufler, Kieffer Moxness, Andrew Pritchard, Vibhuti Rathod, Christen Reynolds, Helga Rossi, Lize Van der Bijl, Lorne Wax, James Cho
ADDITIONAL ACCOUNTING CREW:  Jessica Parkin, Heather Schmitt
ADDITIONAL LOCATIONS CREW:  Peter Boboras, Alberto Patella, James Blacker, Justin Cossette, Joanne Fishburn, David Korchok, Chris Martin, Mark Moore, Tim Owen, Tristan Plant, Tracey Savein, Geoffrey Smither, Kevin Allen, Lynn Bredin, Jordan Denomy, Jeff Dillman, Diane Higgins, Daniel Martinez