Students selected for this year's Corus Diverse TV Director programme began training this week with sessions from directors including Larysa Kondracki, Tim Southam, director/producer Sudz Sutherland and broadcast execs Susan Alexander and Helen Asimakis.

The program is designed for participants with directing experience who are interested in making the leap to directing scripted television series.

Elise Swerhone is the program manager and DGC award-winning director Gail Harvey is the program advisor.

“I’m excited to begin the boot camp phase with this year’s students,” said Elise Swerhone. “They’ll be immersed in workshops with industry pros and will gain skills to help them achieve fulfilling work in series television, diversifying and enriching the industry at the same time.”

DGC Ontario is an Industry Partner of this program.

For more information, click HERE.