With the 2018 Ontario Provincial election fast approaching on June 7, now is the time to get informed. We encourage all DGC Ontario Members to attend townhalls and debates in your riding and make sure the issues important to our industry are heard.  Here are some questions you can ask at your local all-candidates event:

  1. Last year film, television and digital media production in Ontario was a record $3 billion. There were 1,432 projects shot in Toronto alone, which represented 6,804 days of production. What is your party’s position on priorities for promoting Ontario’s growth as a global hub for film & TV production?
  2. One thing our industry needs is predictability. Addressing the need for investment in more studio space is an urgent issue and will require significant investment in infrastructure. What steps can the provincial government take to encourage more investment?
  3. Likewise, large scale productions like Star Trek, The Shape of Water, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Condor all require significant investment and are the results of years of development. What steps can your party take to strengthen Toronto and Ontario as a great place to bring your production?
  4. How will your party encourage the creation of our own stories – including professional development opportunities for a new generation of talent that reflects our provinces’ diversity?

We encourage you to get out there and make your voices heard!

See a list of dates below:


Debates and Townhalls: 

2018 Provincial Election Town Hall for the Film and TV Industry

Election Townhall for the Interactive Digital Media Sector

Davenport- Provincial Election Local Candidates Meeting and Debate

University Rosedale- All Candidates Debate- Rosedale Residents Associations (no event link available) 

May 23, 7:00 pm- Rosedale United Church- 159 Roxborough Drive, Toronto

Scarborough North- All Candidate Meeting

Flemington and Don Valley East- Meet Your Provincial Candidates

Oshawa- Election Debate

Scarborough Agincourt- All Candidates Meeting (can email questions in advance)

Scarborough South West- All Candidates Townhall

Ottawa Centre- Provincial Election Debate on Gender Issues

Don Valley West- Candidates Debate

Mississauga Erin Mills- All Candidate Debate (can email questions in advance) 

Mississauga Board of Trade- Provincial Election All Party Debate (can email questions in advance) 

Sudbury (no event link available)

May 23, 7 pm- College Boreal- 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury

Nickel Belt (no event link available) 

May 29, 7 pm- Cousin Vinnys- 5085 Old Hwy 69, Hanmer

Northumberland-Peterborough South- All Candidates Debates (no links available) 

May 24, 7 pm- Skeena Hall 117 Mill Street South, Port Hope, ON L1A


May 23, 7 pm- Clarke High School- 3425 Highway 115, Newcastle


ACTRA Toronto- #ActForArtists