We would like to say a very big thank you to the over 100 DGC Ontario Members who volunteered to help their fellow Members in need! If you didn’t have the chance to sign up last week, you still can by clicking here.

We now have a bank of over 100 volunteers ready to spring into action, and are officially launching our DGC Ontario Volunteer Network. 

If you are a Member in need of assistance with tasks such as grocery and prescription pick-up & drop-off, technical assistance setting up conference software, or if you simply need a check-in chat, then please click here. You can also email help@dgcontario.ca. Other reasonable requests will also be considered. 

The DGC Ontario Volunteer Network will strive to provide fast and reliable service, but please bear in mind that we are providing a voluntary service, and that wait times are longer than usual in all aspects of life during this pandemic. 

Please read: Important information about the DGC Ontario Volunteer Network.

 1. This is a volunteer service created to help Members who need assistance with basic needs.

2. When a volunteer Member is matched with a Member in need, the two parties must coordinate any required financial exchange. The Member in need will be responsible to fully compensate/cover the expense of any purchases.

3. Once you submit your request, the following steps will be taken: 

a. You will be matched with a volunteer Member willing to fulfill your request;

b. DGC Ontario will reach out to the matching Member;

c. Contact information will be shared (with both parties) to email or call your match

4. This volunteer network is not intended to replace emergency health and mental health services provided to DGC Ontario Members by Morneau Shepell.

We hope the establishment of our DGC Ontario Volunteer Network will enable our community to lean on one another in these trying times.