The April issue of Wider Lens is out now! Inside this month’s digest of Wider Lens content, you’ll find our feature article, HALO: From Game To Series With DGC Ontario Creatives. In this piece, we chat with the show's Picture Editors, Sound Editors, VFX team, Producer Sheila Hockin, and President & CEO of Take 5 Productions, John Weber, about how Ontario’s brilliant Post community brought HALO to life.

The April issue also includes an interview with Director Reg Harkema about his doc Kids In the Hall: Comedy Punks, which will make its Canadian premiere at Hot Docs next week, a Q&A with Production Designer Craig Lathrop on his work in Robert Eggers’ latest film The Northman, and a profile of DGC Ontario Sustainability Committee Co-Chairs Astra Burka and Andrew Gainor about their plans for the greening of Ontario's film industry.

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