Question about COVID-19 |Are you in quarantine?| Member Assistance Program| Message from the DGC Regarding the Coronavirus | Stay Informed | Prevention | Traveling | Visiting the DGC Offices


Useful Resources:

Questions about COVID-19?

Questions about symptoms? Are you feeling ill?
Visit or call 1-877-644-4545.

Are you in quarantine?

Recent changes to Employment Insurance:
EI has modified the waiting period for new applicants who are in quarantine.
For more information see here
New program for the workers who must self-isolate but are not eligible for the employment-insurance benefits from Ottawa:

Access your Member Assistance Program 24/7:

As a reminder to Members, your Member Assistance Program (MAP) provides you with immediate and confidential help for any work, health or life concern.

 March 18, 2020

Hello everyone,
We hope you and your family members are healthy. Our thoughts are with those affected by the virus.
In this message, you will find a brief summary of the financial measures put in place in the last few days to help you in this difficult situation. Please note that we have little information on certain measures at this time and details will be provided shortly. And other measures might be announced soon. We will keep you posted.


Employment Insurance: Regular Benefits


Employment Insurance (EI) regular benefits provide income for workers facing job loss, layoff or work stoppage (maximum of $573/week or 55% of your earnings for up to 45 weeks) who meet all of the following criteria:
  • You were employed in a job considered "insurable", meaning you were a salaried employee or a self-employed person registered with the Employment Insurance program for 12 months.
  • You lost your job through no fault of your own (e.g. the producer closes or suspends production).
  • You are unemployed and have not received a salary for at least seven consecutive days. Don't wait 7 days to apply, apply as soon as possible.
  • You worked the minimum number of hours of insurable employment during your qualifying period (usually in the last 52 weeks) based on the unemployment rate in your area. For Montreal, 700 insurable hours are currently required.
  • You are able and available to work, but unable to find new suitable work despite your efforts. If you are ill, please submit a claim for EI sickness benefits.
After completing the internet form, you will be subject to a waiting period of one week. If you have any questions call 1-800-808-6352.

Employment Insurance: Sickness Benefits 


To have access to the EI sickness benefits (maximum of $573/week or 55% of your earnings for up to 15 weeks):
You are eligible if you are unable to work for medical reasons (illness or quarantine).
You have accumulated 600 insured hours of work in the 52 weeks before the start of your claim (or since the start of your last claim, whichever is shorter). You must be either a salaried employee or a self-employed person registered with the Employment Insurance program for 12 months.
If you are sick or quarantined, you normally have to obtain a medical certificate to get EI sickness benefits, however the Canadian government announced today, that it is waiving this requirement.
The one-week waiting period for EI sickness benefits is waived for quarantined workers only who must call 1-833-381-2725, after completing the online form.

Emergency Care Benefit for workers who are not eligible for EI or affected parents 


This morning, the federal government announced initial details for new programs meant to provide income support to workers impacted by the coronavirus outbreak, but who are not eligible for EI.
Information on these programs is still incomplete, but here's what we know so far:
The Emergency Care Benefit will provide workers who do not qualify for EI with a $900 biweekly benefit if they are unable work because they are sick, are caring for someone who is sick, have children who are not in school due to school closures or have been told to self-isolate. The Guild is currently seeking clarification on whether this includes workers whose regular place of employment has shut down, but also meet the above criteria.
The Emergency Support Benefit to assist self-employed workers who are currently unemployed due to coronavirus, but do not qualify for EI, will be administered through the Canada Revenue Agency - not through the existing Employment Insurance program - and details on how to apply have not yet been provided. $5 billion has been earmarked for this program, but no details have been provided on the amount of individual benefits.
You can find more information about the new benefits announced today from the Government of Canada, here [click here].
The Guild is already making inquiries to the government on the specific amount for individual payments available under the Emergency Support Benefit and you can rest assured we will be pressing the government to ensure these measures treat all Canadians equally and provide full and equal support to independent contractors such as our members.



If you are not eligible for Employment Insurance,

Temporary Aid for Workers Program


The Quebec government will offer a financial aid of 573$ per week for a period of 14 days of isolation through the program PATT COVID-19 (Programme d’aide temporaire aux travailleurs) for workers directly impacted by the pandemic who correspond to the following criteria :

  • Quebec resident, worker aged 18 years old or more
  • Are currently in isolation for one of the following reasons :
  •  You have the virus or its symptoms
  •  You been in contact with an infected person
  • You are returning from abroad
  • You are not receiving any compensation from your employer
  • You do not have private insurance
  • You are not covered by another government program such as Employment Insurance
The PATT COVID-19 grants coverage for a maximum period of 28 days, depending on the health status of the worker.
The PATT COVID-19 will be administered by the Red Cross and the online claims will be available as of Thursday March 19, 2020.

AFC:the lifeline for Canada's entertainment industry


Are you aware of the AFC, the lifeline for Canada's entertainment industry?

  • The AFC can provide financial or other problem-solving practical support when an unforeseen emergency causes urgent financial need.
  • The AFC can provide short-term charitable assistance with expenses like basic living costs, rent/housing, medical costs, etc that cannot otherwise be met. Note: The AFC does not provide income replacement. 
  • The AFC can help people in need to identify and access appropriate resources (EI, health insurance, community and government services). Note: The AFC does not provide crisis services or assist with emergency travel planning/repatriation.
  • If you are in need of problem-solving or financial support, start by phoning or emailing The AFC. We will connect with you to find out more about your situation and advise on how we can best help you
For more information,see here.

March 17, 2020

Nine associations are asking the Prime Minister Legault to put an immediate stop to the various filming activities


To read the letter in French, click here.

March 12, 2020

A Message From the DGC Regarding the Coronavirus

DGC Quebec, DGC National and Guild offices across the country have been working together to put in place proper procedures for managing the risks associated with the rise of COVID-19 coronavirus.
We’re committed to keeping ourselves and our members both healthy and well-informed and also doing our part to help protect our community both on set and off.
This is why we ask all our members to read the following information containing important information. When it comes to preventing the spread of coronavirus, everyone has a role to play.
We are also in contact with AQPM and other producers regarding safety measures that they are putting in place to stop the spreading of coronavirus and to ensure the health and safety of all our members et to sustain the prosperity of our industry. The situation is evolving rapidly. We will keep everyone informed regularly.
We ask you to read the information below. If you have any comment, don't hesitate to let us know. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to inform us immediately.
DGC Quebec Team.

Stay informed

The situation evolves quickly. Visit the Visit Health Canada website for regular updates.


Recognized hygiene measures are recommended for everyone:
  • wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using public transportation, the washroom and when preparing food or eating.
  • use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available
  • when coughing or sneezing:
  • cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand
  • dispose of any tissues you have used as soon as possible in a lined waste basket and wash your hands afterwards
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
  • clean the following high-touch surfaces frequently with regular household cleaners or diluted bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water):
  • toys
  • toilets
  • phones
  • electronics
  • door handles
  • bedside tables
  • television remotes
If you have concerns with regards to your work and a situation that could potentially put your health and safety in danger, we urge you to speak up and talk to your employer. You can also contact the DGC office.
If you have concerns about your health, please contact Info Sante at #811. 
As a reminder to Members, your Member Assistance Program (MAP) provides you with immediate and confidential help for any work, health or life concern.
Access your Member Assistance Program 24/7 :

Travelling outside of the province

All DGC members should consult the website Health Canada - Travel advice before leaving. We recommend that you limit your travelling.

Visiting the DGC offices

The DGC put in place procedures to ensure the health and safety of our employees. If you are sick, we ask you not to come to the DGC office or attend DGC events.
Additionally, if you travel in one of the high risk country, we ask you to wait 14 days before visiting the DGC office or attending a DGC event. Please consult the website Health Canada - Travel advice for an updated list.