Tuesday, March 8th was International Women's Day, and we are taking this opportunity to share with you some statistics regarding the gender of our members across the different departments. You'll see that we have achieved parity, and while this is not the case across the industry and there is still a lot of work to be done, the progress is undeniable!

One thing is for sure, women are becoming more and more prominent in our industry, and we are extremely happy and excited about that.

We hope you had a wonderful Women's Day!

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The NFB Presents Its Collection of Films Directed by Women

To celebrate Women's Day, the National Film Board of Canada presents a collection of animated films and documentaries made by women.

Click here to see the free collection.

Fantasia Currently Offers a Discount to Women Filmmakers

The Fantasia International Film Festival is currently offering a 40% discount on submission fees to all women filmmakers whose films meet their criteria. You have until March 15th to take advantage of this discount.

Click here to submit your film.

The NFB’s Commitment to Gender Parity

(Extract from the official press release)

"The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) is continuing to meet its gender-parity goals, both for the number of productions directed by women and for production budgets allocated to women—six years after making its initial commitment.

The NFB has announced that 60% of all ongoing projects at the NFB (307) were directed by women or by teams with equal or greater representation of women than men. Notably, 66% of production spending was also allocated to productions led by women."

Click here to read the press release.

Réalisatrices Équitables Launches a Call for Projects

(Extract from the official website)

"Réalisatrices Équitables lance un appel de projets inédits de longs métrages (fiction uniquement) et séries web (tous genres) à l'étape du développement, afin de participer à une séance de réseautage et de pitching avec des productrices.eurs dans le cadre des Rendez-Vous Québec Cinéma, du 20 au 30 avril 2022."

Click here for more details (In French).

Also, click here to see the results of the study conducted by Réalisatrices Équitables on the representation of men and women in recent Quebec fiction films, both in front of and behind the camera (In French).

FTCMN, the Network That Supports the Career Development of Women in the Creative Industries

Are you familiar with Femmes du cinéma, de la télévision et des médias numériques (FCTMN)? This organization supports women in the creative industries in the development and promotion of their careers through training, an annual benefit gala, networking events and more.

Click here to learn more (In French).