Alexis Hinde


Alexis Hinde

Alexis Hinde is an Assistant Business Agent and Field Rep with the Directors Guild of Canada, British Columbia. She publishes a column entitled Debunking Collective Agreement Myths with Alexis Hinde for the DGC BC's Newsletter to Members and a column in LOGLINE for DGC BC Permittee Logbook Holders.

Debunking Collective Agreement Myths: WE ARE A UNION

"The DGC is a guild, not a union."

How many times have we heard this sentence, or spoken it ourselves?
Fun fact: not true!

Under the BC Labour Relations Code and the BC Labour Relations Board, the DGC is a union like any other.

The definition of a trade union is: "...a local or Provincial organization or association of employees, or a local or Provincial branch of a national or international organization or association of employees in British Columbia, that has as one of its purposes the regulation in British Columbia of relations between employers and employees through collective bargaining..."

The employers voluntarily recognize the DGC as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees our contract covers, which makes us a union. The word "union" appears in our main contract 246 times. One hundred and sixty four - including Article 2: Recognition of Union and Scope of This Agreement.

We're not a dispatch hall, that is true.
But we are a union!

Any questions? Any Collective Agreement myths you'd like to see addressed in future notes from me?
Email me!