Alexis Hinde


Alexis Hinde

Alexis Hinde is an Assistant Business Agent and Field Rep with the Directors Guild of Canada, British Columbia. She publishes a column entitled Debunking Collective Agreement Myths with Alexis Hinde for the DGC BC's Newsletter to Members and a column in LOGLINE for DGC BC Permittee Logbook Holders.

Direct Deposit

Say it with me, friends: direct deposit.

One interesting facet of this pandemic is how it's forced everyone to adapt quickly and accelerate timelines. One of the things affected is paperwork, and we're starting to see companies developing digital start packs. Another long-awaited development is the move to direct deposit of our paycheques.

One of the biggest challenges with implementing direct deposit in the past has been to do with the timing: it wasn't possible for productions to have payroll deposited into employee bank accounts by the fourth day of the workweek, which is a requirement of Union contracts. Since Union contracts are negotiated documents, we can't arbitrarily change the language in them, pandemic or not.

With everyone doing everything they can to eliminate possible chains of COVID transmission, direct deposit is a viable option for many of our Members. In this light, the DGC BC and other Unions have collaborated on a framework to allow direct deposit for any production that requests it, with some conditions:

  • It must be opt-in. Employees can request it and provide productions with their banking information.
  • All banking information must be collected, stored, transmitted, and destroyed in a secure manner consistent with PIPA and any other applicable legislation.
  • Employees are not to submit information or documents of a personal or confidential nature to another employee's personal email address.
  • Payroll information is submitted to the relevant payroll company in time for deposits to be made in employee accounts no later than the 5th day of the workweek.
  • Paystub information is sent to employees by 4:00 pm on the 4th day of the workweek by secure electronic means or by regular mail.
  • Those who do not request direct deposit will continue to receive physical cheques on the 4th day of the workweek, per the provisions of the DGC BC Collective Agreement.

So, if your production requests direct deposit, and if you consent and provide them with your banking information, you can get your pay by direct deposit. Hooray!

As always, be calm, be kind, and be safe.

Excerpt from the July 31, 2020 Ebulletin