Kendrie Upton


Kendrie Upton

As the DGC BC's Executive Director, Kendrie Upton represents the organization in all facets of the industry. She's responsible for ensuring that Executive Board policies are implemented and that Members' needs are met. She has been very involved with the respectful workplace efforts that the Guild has engaged in both at the local and national levels. She currently co-chairs the cross industry Education, Training and Awareness Committee, sits on the Executive of MPPIA and serves as the co-chair of the MPPIA Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

End of Year Message from DGC BC Executive Director - 2021

As 2021 draws to a close at what feels like a breakneck pace, I find myself reflecting back on the six years since I began in this role with the DGC BC. Even though these years have gone by in a blip, I can’t help but think about the many things to be grateful for about this amazing organization.

Not to go too far down the historical rabbit hole, but many of you know that my reason for wanting to serve in this position is a highly personal one as my father, Keith Cutler, was an early Director Member of the DGC BC. He’s one of just two people to have served as both BC Chair and National President alongside John Juliani.

Meals at the round table in the Cutler kitchen were often served with a discussion around the value of the labour movement, fair treatment of workers, and the upholding of a collective agreement. My father welcomed differing opinions, debate and dissension so long as they were accompanied by possible solutions. In the early days of my own career, beginning as a Production Assistant, I can recall some very heated conversations about the difference between what was supposed to happen on sets and what was really taking place. Despite the inevitable disagreements, or perhaps because of them, I emerged from my teens already fully dedicated to the concept of labour unions and solidarity.

One of my earliest memories of interacting with the Guild was on the original MacGyver series. I’d been working on the show as a PA and myself and a few others were hired to take part in the filming of some large crowd scenes which were to be populated by fans enticed by giveaways and the chance to rub shoulders with Richard Dean Anderson in the flesh. The event’s producer told us we’d be hired separately and paid a lower rate than that in the DGC agreement.

I marched my 19 year old self down to the payphone under the stairs at Thunderbird Stadium, threw down my dime, and dialed the Guild. Within the hour the Business Agent of the day had our situation sorted and our pay was as it should be. Perhaps the sense of justice that came from that successful phone call at such an impressionable age cemented my belief in the power of unions. Whatever it was that made me a believer, I never hesitated to point out when things were not as they should have been. Not ever. That’s thirty years of speaking up every chance I got.

I offer this story to anyone who indicates that they’re fearful of jeopardizing their job should they use their voice to defend their rights and those of their co-workers. This is why the concept of solidarity is the cornerstone of a union’s power and influence. If employers know that Members will speak up when things aren’t right, then the opportunity to trample the collective agreement quite simply evaporates.

I truly do get how scary it is to make that call. I also know that standing up for myself and my co-workers did not hold me back. If anything, finding my voice and using it in a smart and respectful way showed employers that I was tough enough to succeed in this industry.

And it is this type of strength that lays at the heart of any labour organization. The strength of the DGC is derived directly from the strength of each of its Members. The Guild is not apart from you. It IS you. It is all of us working with one voice.

Work that, this year, has been more challenging than ever.  We’ve been fighting like crazy since March 11 of this year when bargaining began. That’s over nine months of standing up for your rights and for a fair agreement that respects each of you and the incredible work that you do.

The DGC has also done so many other things to support our many amazing, talented Members.  Here are just a few highlights. 

  • Over $180,000 spent on Training for Logbook Holders and Members at all levels in 2021.
  • Over $316,000 budgeted for Training in 2022.
  • Training Reimbursement program for all Members that pays 50% up to $500 on approved external courses.
  • $100,000 per year dedicated to the Just Watch Us Campaign for Directors between 2018 & 2021 for a total spend of $400,000 to date.
  • $100,000 budgeted for Directors Campaign in 2022.
  • Directors Reimbursement programs for reel creation, photography and websites.
  • DGC BC Greenlight - two $30,000 awards to Member filmmakers for short films in 2021.
  • 24 / 7 Members Assistance Program through Shepell.
  • Exceptional Health & Welfare Program – DGC Benefits – through Canada Life.
  • CEIRP Group RSP with exceptionally low admin fees.
  • Extension of the HAVEN Helpline to cover everyone that works under our agreement including Logbook Holders and Helper PAs.
  • Diversity & Inclusion Committee offered Anti-Oppression Training to the DGC BC elected with additional training to be rolled out to the Membership in 2022
  • $10,000 donation recommended by the Diversity & Inclusion Committee and approved by the Board to EMBERS Eastside Works, film based, Community Ambassador Program to assist productions that work on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.
  • DGC BC Covid Relief fund for Members.
  • Annual donations to Reel Thanksgiving Challenge, the AFC and Calltime Mental Health.

There you have it.  Just a few ways that the DGC gives back to its Members. I hope that each of you feel as proud of this list as I do and that you will take courage from the history of solidarity that the DGC represents. Reach out to us anytime for more information about any of these programs or services.

I hope that every one of you has a relaxing and joyous holiday. If I have one wish for 2022 it’s that I could gift each one of our Members with the same faith in the power of unions and in the DGC in particular that I have. 


Happy Holidays - Kendrie