Alexis Hinde


Alexis Hinde

Alexis Hinde is an Assistant Business Agent and Field Rep with the Directors Guild of Canada, British Columbia. She publishes a column entitled Debunking Collective Agreement Myths with Alexis Hinde for the DGC BC's Newsletter to Members and a column in LOGLINE for DGC BC Permittee Logbook Holders.

Retro Pay: How Do I Know if I'm Owed Retro and Other Important Updates

Step 1: Consult the dedicated retro page on our website to determine if you worked on any productions that owe retro. If a production is not on this list, it is not subject to the retroactive pay negotiated in our new contract.
Step 2: Click on the link for each show you worked on, and compare your pay stub or deal memo rate with the rates for the appropriate date range you worked on each show. Note that PA Helpers and people who were paid 3% or more above scale are not owed retro on any production.
Step 3: Once you determine which productions owe you retro, track your retro payments as they come in – likely via cheque in the mail - to be sure you’re paid all you’re owed.


The DGC is actively in contact with all productions to ensure retro is paid as quickly as possible. Many productions are currently in the process of working with the payroll companies to finalize payments. All productions that do not respond to DGC requests for confirmation of payment will be subject to the grievance procedure.

Who is owed retro is dependent on a number of factors:

  • Some productions owe retro to April 4, 2021 (those who signed safe harbour agreements)
  • Some owe retro to July 11, 2021 (those who did not)
  • Some productions proactively started paying higher rates while negotiations were ongoing, so that they would not have to go back and deal with the accounting and payment of retro later.
  • Retro is also affected for some TV series due to the one-year lag on rates included in our contract.
  • Productions on some rate sheets, like Rate Sheet R, do not owe retro.
  • Helper PAs are not owed retro on any production as their rates have already increased with each bump in minimum wage
  • People paid more than 3% over scale are not owed retro

As we confirm that each production has met its obligation to pay retro, we’ll be updating that information on the website and in our weekly Ebulletin to Members. If a production is marked Retro Pay Complete, and you believe they have not paid you what you’re owed, get in touch with us.