Kendrie Upton


Kendrie Upton

As the DGC BC's Executive Director, Kendrie Upton represents the organization in all facets of the industry. She's responsible for ensuring that Executive Board policies are implemented and that Members' needs are met. She has been very involved with the respectful workplace efforts that the Guild has engaged in both at the local and national levels. She currently co-chairs the cross industry Education, Training and Awareness Committee, sits on the Executive of MPPIA and serves as the co-chair of the MPPIA Diversity and Inclusion Committee.


Whatever else may be said of 2017 it has been a year of big news. Of firsts. Of startling, shocking, exposed vulnerable moments that we might never before have believed could happen. As the year draws to a close, rather than rehashing any of this negativity, I want to offer a bit of hope.

We've talked a lot about Leadership this year. But most of the Leadership that has been discussed has been corrupt and abusive. It's hard to build hope and optimism on such a foundation. I've had the pleasure of teaching Leadership to our incoming Member since 2013. That's four years of hopeful and optimistic discussions about what good Leadership looks like and what bad Leadership feels like. Our new Members are all too aware of what it feels like to be led poorly, to be mistreated or letdown. Our hope in these courses is to tap into that place of vulnerability and inspire them into becoming mindful Leaders with a focus on empathy. Don't mistake this statement to mean weak Leaders or ineffective Leaders. The aim is to inspire people to actively pursue ways to motivate their teams that don't include bullying, intimidation, humiliation, isolation and shame. Or, put another way... harassment.

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